We FIRMLY BELIEVE , in a world full of nature and in balance between the natural environment and sustainable economic development to achieve social well-being.

We MAKE our day to day a commitment to improve our step in this world, and seek a positive impact on each decision and action we take personally and as a team.

We ARE proactive and motivated by Jane Goodwall's inspirational phrase:

"We have the opportunity and privilege of life to make this world a better place."

Commitment to sustainable tourism

As an eco hotel, we aim to promote conscious and responsible consumption in our day-to-day life with the support of:

Since 2018 we have obtained annual recognition for the Commitment and Responsibility for sustainable tourism. Where each member of the team is committed to achieving quality levels by working with respect for people and the natural environment.

The Biosphere seal, together with the consultancy Pax Consulting, helps us remember and value everything we do, and to continue establishing a continuous improvement of our actions. Aligned with the SDGs set by the UN.

Three sustainable logos to talk about recycling and reuse

As users and consumers, and we have a lot to say and do! So we try to be responsible and aware of our decisions. We can be activists for change for a better world! 😉

Every action we generate has an impact on the world we live in and the future we leave behind. At Cabanes Dosrius, we do not limit ourselves to recycling, but promote active tourism, always keeping in mind the 7R's:

Logo Tourist information point to receive more information about activities to do in the forest in Dosrius

We are part of the Tourist Information Points programme. It allows us to network, and improve cohesion and exchange between companies and services in the territory. As well as creating possible synergies with other projects.

Promoting the knowledge and growth of all local agents and valuing the resources of the territory.

Logo of the European Union's Sustainable Development Goals, for a more ecological world and tourism

In Cabanes Dosrius we are committed to advancing and improving to achieve by 2030 the 17 Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations to cover the social, economic and environmental dimensions addressing the planet, people, prosperity, peace and alliances.

Prioritizing an ecological style of tourism. And promoting transversal #sustainability as the main tool for common well-being.

We believe in Fair, Good and Healthy trade . For this reason, whenever possible, we work and collaborate with local and local suppliers , with whom we share ethical values . And with whom, together, we want to achieve a balance in economic and social growth , and thus focus on regenerative tourism.

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